Tuesday, 2 July 2013

District 1220 Handover Lunch

Sunday 30th June marked the end of one Rotary year and the beginning of another as Rotarians from the East Midlands gathered at the Novotel Hotel, Long Eaton to celebrate a successful Rotary year.

It must have been a bad hair day for the chef, because the Sargent at Arms announced there had been a change to the publicised menu.  The advertised Chicken Breast Chasseur (baked chicken breast in white wine, tomato and tarragon sauce) with seasonal vegetables/ chateau potatoes  was replaced with Chicken Caesar Salad with seasonal vegetables/chateau potatoes.    Then to add insult to injury, we joked that the Vegetarian Option would be the salad without the chicken.  Never in a million years did we imagine that that was exactly what the Vegi option was.  

A prominent rotarian (who shall remain nameless) remonstrated with the kitchen and another dish was quickly offered as the Vegetarian Option!

The outgoing District Governor  Dave Ashley handed out various awards and I was delighted to be asked to  step forward to collect the District Public Relations award recognising the effects of Hucknall club's PR strategy.  I would have received the trophy only no-one knew its whereabouts!!

Then came a personal highlight.  DG Dave announced that he was making a special award to one of the most committed Rotarians he'd met, he then began to reel off some of the accomplishments for the Rotary district this person had made  and it  dawned on me that he was referring to myself.  I was extremely honoured to receive from DG Dave, a Park Harris Fellowship.  A great surprise and a very emotional moment for me.

DG Elect Peter Moralee was then inducted as District Governor for 2013-14.  As I'd agreed to serve the District as Assistant Secretary, I also received the badge of office for that role.  A memorable day despite the problems with the menu.

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