Saturday 22 September 2012

U3A Diamond Jubilee Quiz Night

Hucknall Rotary Club entered 2 teams in the Diamond Jubilee Quiz ran by Hucknall’s U3A group.  U3A stands for University of the Third Age and offers its members many interest groups as well as a monthly meeting with an interesting speaker.  U3A would describe themselves as ‘Creative, leisure and educational opportunities for semi-retired or retired people.’
SVP Alan with his good lady at the Quiz


Hucknall Rotary Club supported the group’s inception in 2008 and Rotarian Richard White was the first Chairman of U3A.  We have maintained close links ever since, supporting each other’s events.

The Quiz was superbly crafted together by John Ellis and was an enjoyable evening.  The one question that no-one knew the answer to, but caused plenty of groans was in the round of questions themed ‘1952’ the year Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne.

The question was “Which vehicle was first seen on English roads in 1952?”

Despite many guesses, I don’t think anyone came close to the correct answer, which was  (get ready to groan…)  


“The TV License Detector Van.”


  1. As a member of the Hucknall branch of the U3A I am left wondering which day is the Third Day. As a member of The University of the Third AGE please note that the First Age is Schooling, The second Age is Working and The Third Age is retirement. Hence mambership is for those having retired or of an age to have done so.
    Alan Snape, Funding Officer, Hucknall U3A and fellow Rotarian P.P. The Rotary Club of Ravenshead and Blidworth.

    1. My apologies Alan, a complete typo I have no idea why I typed Day and not Age. I have edited so that it is correct now.
